Friday 28 May 2010

Best. Blog. Ever. has brightened up my days for the past few months. It's so much fun to read and a cat lover's paradise! From it's pages I discovered "Cat High - The Yearbook". My copy arrived this morning! It's both the strangest and the most fun book I have ever bought, I'll scan in some corkers asap but I'll leave you with this bad boy for now, courtesy of the ladies at ilovecatparty.

p.s. read the blurb!

Monday 24 May 2010

A little glimpse of my final collection. The concepts will be explained shortly. Hope you approve!

What now?

So here we are.

Degree. Check
Empty Bank Account. Check
Empty fridge. Check
Permanent bags under eyes. Check
No job. Check

But I've still got some enthusiasm and am still inspired by the every day so that's something!

Seeing as I have no job and no money I'm going to spend all my spare time telling a computer the things I like and don't like and share with it my achievements and passions and if anyone else would like to follow, you are more than welcome.
